
Name: Ahmed Elgaili Ibrahim Abd Ellah
Last promotion: Associate professor (2-12-2013)
Nationality: Sudanese
Place and date of birth: Berber, Sudan, November, 1961
Marital status: Married, three children
Languages: Arabic, English
- PhD in fruits technology (date fruits technology), thesis: technological studies on some Sudanese date cultivars, Nile Valley University, Sudan (June, 2009).
- Food chemistry, food rheology (thesis: Rheological properties of low-fat mayonnaise and salad dressings), December, 1995, University College Cork, National University of Ireland, Ireland.
- Honors (division two-upper), Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Gezira, Sudan (March, 1988).
Work Experience:
- Associate professor at the Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Nile Valley University since December, 2013.
- Manager of Unit of Scientific Research and Publication, Nile Valley University since November, 2019
- Assistant professor at the Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Nile Valley University since June-2003.
- Head of the Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Nile Valley University, Since July, 2009.
- Deputy of the dean of Faculty of Agriculture, Nile Valley University (Jan., 2003- October, 2005).
- Lecturer at the Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Nile Valley University (January 2001-June 2003).
- Lecturer at the Department of Nutrition and Food Technology, Faculty of Science, Omdurman Islamic University, Sudan (June 1996- December, 2000).
- Teaching assistant at the Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Gezira, Sudan (Feb, 1993- June, 1996).
- Process Engineer at Kenana Sugar Factory, Sudan (Dec., 1988- Sept., 1992). Supervising raw house and refinery process units.
- Quality control supervisor at Ashkar Biscuit Factory, Omdurman, Sudan (April, 1988- April, 1989).
Other experiences:
- Participation in a training program of capacity building in food processing (as a coordinator), with the funding of FAO organization, offered to two trainee groups at Elkitaiab and Umeltiuor areas, River Nile State (December, 2010).
- The Head of the Committee of improving and updating of BSc programs syllabus at the Faculty of Agriculture, Nile Valley University.
- The head of the examination board of the Faculty of Agriculture, Nile Valley University.
Teaching experiences:
1/ food process engineering
2/ food rheology
3/ sugar technology
4/ beverages and carbonated drinks technology
5/ baked and sweets products technology
6/ food chemistry
7/ food quality control
8/ fruits and vegetable technology
Partime lecturing:
Partime lecturer, Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Natural Resources,
University of Kordofan, Obaied, Sudan (1997- 2003).
Membership in Committees and Councils:
- Member the Nile Valley University senate (Since 2003)
- Member of the Faculty of Agriculture Council, Nile Valley University (Since 2002).
- Member of Higher Studies Committee at Faculty for Agriculture (Faculty of higher Education, Nile Valley University (Since 2007).
Postgraduates Supervision:
- Supervisor for PhD student: Physiochemical characterization, thermal and storage stability of some Sudanese date palm cultivars’ kernel oil
- Co-Supervisor for MSc student: Mango postharvest chemical and physiological properties
- Examining committee member of MSc in: Effect of bread improvers on baking qualities of some wheat cultivars
- Co-supervisor for PhD: Analytical and processing studies on 3 tomato cultivars
- Supervisor: MSc research on analyses of three date fruit cultivars
- Supervisor: MSc analysis of Berhi and two locally grown date cultivars
- Supervisor: MSc analysis of two orange fruit cultivars
1/ Ahmed Elgaili Ibrahim, Yahia M. Abd Ellah and B. R. Ramadan (2014). Development of date fruits-based ready meal products. Sudanese Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Azhari University, Khartoum, Sudan. 1, 46-54.
2/ Amani Ahmed Abd Elwahid, Abdelazim M. Ali, Ahmed Elgaili Ibrahim, Yahia Magzoob Abd Alla and Noor Elhuda Abd Eljaleel (2018). Fruit characterization of some dry date cultivars in Rubatab area. Nile Journal for Agricultural Sciences. Vol. 3, 1-10.
3/ Ahmed Elgaili Ibrahim and Bolbol Ramadan Ramadan (2019). Physical, chemical and nutritional properties of five date cultivars grown in Sudan. Shendi University Journal of Applied Science, 2019(1).
Research and Academic Activities:
- Scientific Forum on: Wheat production and processing, Faculty of Agriculture Annual Forum, Garash Theatre, Nile Valley University (October, 2003).
- Scientific conference on food rheology at the Department of Food Chemistry, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland (March 1995).
Training Courses:
- Process production and control training, Kenana Training Centre, Kenana Sugar Company, Sudan (Aug., 1991).
- Maintenance management training, Management Development Centre, Khartoum (July, 1991).
- Microsoft Office computer course, Faculty of Science, Omdurman Islamic University, Sudan (June, 1998).
- Time management, Nile Valley University Training Unit, Nile Valley University, Sudan (May, 2003).
- Computer and internet- Faculty of Engineering- Nile Valley University (June, 2004).
- Self-evaluation workshop- Self Evaluation Committee- Nile Valley University (October, 2004).
- Second Educational Skills Development Workshop – Faculty of Education- Nile Valley University (October, 2004).
- Third Educational Skills Development Workshop – Faculty of Education- Nile Valley University (October, 2005).
- Nanotechnology Workshop- Nile Valley University (July, 2013).
Research Interest:
- Sugar and beverages technology
- Fruits and vegetables processing and technology
- Food rheology
- Food engineering technology
- Professor P.F.Fox, Department of Food Chemistry, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland.
- Professor D.M. Mulvihil, Head of Food Chemistry, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland.
- Professor Mohamed El-Amin El-Hassan, Former Dean of Faculty of Science, Omdurman Islamic University, Sudan.
- Professor Abd El-Rahman Ali El-Mahdi, Former Dean of Faculty of Agriculture, Nile Valley University, Sudan.
Contact Address:
Unit of Scientific Research and Publications, Nile Valley University, Atbara, P.O. box 20, Sudan
Phone: 0112890132, E.mail:
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